SAM function SAM-Memory-region-register()

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[edit] Name

SAM_Memory_region_register - Register a memory region within a SAM context

[edit] Synopsis

#include <sam.h>
void SAM_Memory_region_register(SAM_t sam, void *addr, unsigned int size);

[edit] Description

The SAM_Memory_region_register() function is used to make the SAM Structure object sam watch for reads and writes of the memory region that starts in the address addr and has a size of size bytes.

[edit] Return value


[edit] Errors

None, assumes correct input parameters.

[edit] Examples

Example 3 A - Executing speculatively and flashing back a worker thread (inefficient version)
Example 3 B - Executing speculatively and flashing back a worker thread (efficient version)
Example 4 - Executing speculatively, flashing back, and speculative writing
Example 5 - Using multiple protected memory regions within the same SAM context

[edit] See also

SAM_Memory_region_register(), SAM_Memory_region_unregister(), SAM_Memory_region_protect(), SAM_Memory_region_release(), SAM_Memory_region_is_protected(), <sam.h>.